
Posts Tagged ‘giving up’

Sweet Satisfaction


My good friend, who recently moved from our neighborhood was over the other night.  We had a lot of  catching up to do.  In the middle of our conversation, she confessed that she thought she might lose her mind over her Lenten promise.  She found herself overtaken with thoughts of chocolate.  Dreaming of it, craving it like crazy.  I offered her a glass of wine to take the edge off and asked, “Why on earth did you give up chocolate?”   

She really was trying to walk the walk and follow her Catholic faith.  She’s been through a lot this year and I admire how she has handled it and that she is following her faith.  Being Catholic, I completely get the philosophy behind “giving something up.”  I grew up giving up sweets, soda, etc but  I never really could give up the things that would have shown true fortitude.  I couldn’t go 40 days without chips and dip (my last meal of choice.)  Now as an adult, that would still be a biggie for me.   

Things have evolved and we now don’t have to give anything up!  Whew! What a relief!  I can do something positive; make a change for the good. It’s amazing how getting permission can be so freeing.  So this year, I’m trying to go to mass twice during the week.  So far I’ve stuck to my promise and trucked over to 8:00 am mass midweek and both times it’s been wonderful.  BTW…I’m not a morning person but the messages have been on target and I’ve enjoyed it.  An extra bonus is seeing a handsome little boy (mine) who goes to the parish school, happy and surprised to see me as I went up to communion.  What a great way to start the day.   

Back to chocolate.  I’ve included a picture of Peggy’s Prozac.  I love these truffles especially the blue (dark chocolate) and the black (extra dark.)   They are filled with a buttery, melt in your mouth deliciousness…yum.  I actually hide my stash in the crock pot, so the little gremlins in my house don’t abscond with it.  Shhh…don’t tell.  As I told my middle guy, who caught on to my last hiding place, “Do not take my chocolate; this keeps me from doing harm to you people!”  My prescription is to take one a day and your mood will be elevated, desire for sweets satiated, and it’s filled with antioxidants too!  

So, my good friend, if you need chocolate, I completely understand!  I can’t give you permission but I don’t think God will care if you revise your Lenten promise and do something instead.  Here’s a suggestion…try eating more veggies!

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